Want to know more about the connection between Abigail (pictured at left), the "prayer conspiracy", and our outdated Air Conditioning units? Read the full story below!


You love Oil Belt, so I thought you’d like to hear about “the conspiracy” that happened last year.  Oh, it’s all good, and maybe even more common than we knew.


Abigail is a young lady who was planning to come to camp – but like lots of kids in fifth grade, a bit nervous.  The night before she was to travel to Oil Belt, she was up late praying.  Her prayer was very specific – that God would have someone here who would explain to her what it means to “give my life to Jesus.”


The “prayer conspiracy” – as I’ve come to think of it – is that at the very same time, Abigail’s mother and big sister were also praying for her – and about the very same thing!  So, I guess I’m not all that surprised at what happened during that camp week.


God answered Abigail’s prayer (and her mom and sister’s, too) – she did talk to a camp counselor – and she did decide to give her life to Jesus.  The following Sunday she was baptized at her home church so they could all celebrate with her. 


Because you care about the camp and have helped keep it strong and vital over the years – you had a hand in Abigail’s celebration!  Thank you!


Last year we had record numbers at many of our camps and retreats.  And the way this year is starting out – we could see records broken again!  Right now, the staff (and volunteers) are running hard getting everything ready so that if there are more prayer conspiracies underway – God can use them to bring more kids to Jesus!


One of the big areas of preparation is the ongoing replacement of our old (and very, very tired) heating and air units around the camp.  There are 29 units and most of them are at least 25 years old. 


In 2022 we started the plan to replace some of the old (and in some cases non-repairable) units each year until we’ve done them all.  We did 5 and have 6 more on the list for this year.  As you can imagine, these commercial grade systems aren’t cheap – they average about $10,400 per unit.


Some have wondered why we even need air conditioning – well, you’ve lived here long enough to know how brutal summers can be in our area – and how restless kids can get on a hot, muggy night in July! 


What we’ve learned is that after a long day of camp activities – gathering for chapel to sing, worship, fellowship, and hear a Bible message is just better in a cool facility.


It’s in the chapel that many prayer conspiracies come to their wonderful conclusion.  Last summer, Abigail was one of more than 79 campers who made a decision to follow Jesus!


We expect this year’s total unit replacement cost to be about $66,000.  We have $20,000 already earmarked in the general fund and we’re hoping those who love the camp can help with the rest. 


Would you be able to make a special gift to Oil Belt so we can do this work before campers arrive? If you can – you’d be doing so much more than cooling the air – you’d be participating in the moments where prayers are answered and life-changing decisions are made – you’d be part of the prayer conspiracy!


Think of it like this, if we have 2,200 campers this year – then it costs just $30 per camper to upgrade these 6 worn out old units. 


Thanks for prayerfully considering if you can help with this need. Oil Belt is better because of people like you who care about kids and want them to have a place to hear the Gospel without all the noise of normal life.  Thanks for doing what you can – I’ll keep you posted on the latest conspiracies!


For more Abigails,


Tyler Mulvany

Executive Director


P.S. There will be hundreds of “Abigails” at camp this summer.  Thanks for helping make it possible to carry out the prayer conspiracies that will change their lives for eternity!

I want to help with the prayer conspiracies and help replace worn-out AC units!