Want to know more about the connection between the picture of our campus (pictured on the left) and our summer staff? Read the full story below!

 Putting the “Serve” in Oil Belt Christian Service Camp!


Noah was summer staff this year – and his story is one I thought you’d want to know because it couldn’t happen without friends like you! 


Last summer, Noah attended his first camp ever.  It made such a powerful impression that he returned for a second week.  Touched by the power of the Gospel, he spent much of the week with staff and seeking how he might serve in the future.


Seeing his passion to serve, we quickly invited him to be event staff through the school year.  That experience made it clear – Noah should be 2024 summer staff!


Now, having completed a summer of doing many things, including mentoring the hundreds of campers, Noah has committed to attend Ozark Christian College this fall to prepare for full time Christian service.


And that’s why we so carefully recruit our event and summer staff – because they are flesh and blood examples of the mission: disciples making disciples.


Noah’s story, while exceptional, is by no means unique at Oil Belt.  We’ve always known that getting kids to camp, away from the routine of their otherwise busy lives, opens opportunities for God to speak to their hearts – and call them to himself.


That is why we strive to eliminate every little disruption a camper might see and keep camp running like a “well-oiled machine” – pun intended.  I’m sure you can imagine that on a campus of 54 acres, dozens of buildings, and a giant swimming pool – things go wrong and can get sideways in a huge hurry.


A motto of the staff is that camp is for the camper!  I’m pretty sure that when the season opened just after Memorial Day – not one camper would have thought we’d had a tornado just a few days prior.  They wouldn’t have known because a small army of volunteers descended on the campus and removed tons of trees, limbs, and debris.


Nor would campers have known of the troubles with the pool lights and pumps just weeks before opening.  Or the fact that the canteen fridge and freezer had been on the fritz. Nope, they just knew the pool was open – even for the night swims – and there was a huge supply of bomb pops (always a favorite) at the canteen – it was perfect!


Sterling, our maintenance director, and a lengthy list of volunteers (unsung heroes) put in long hours to be sure that “all things camper-oriented” ran without a hitch.


Thanks to those who gave to our “keep camp cool fund” earlier this year, it’s worth noting that not one building went even one day without air conditioning!


Though it may not seem exciting, keeping the camp’s infrastructure in place is critical to the mission of “making disciples of Jesus Christ through the teaching of God’s word”.  We want campers focused on hearing from God and not distracted by other things.  Because, who knows, but some of those campers might be leading one of our local churches one day!


So many people deserve our appreciation, but one special couple has been here for three summers making a major “behind the scenes” impact.  Gary and Barb mow the grass nearly every day for about 7 months.  They are joined by many volunteers who show up on random days to help mow, trim, and generally keep the camp looking outstanding for our campers.


Because there is value in providing great facility for our campers, we are asking for help with making sure we can continue to work behind the scenes.


Sterling, Gary, Barb, and volunteers all provide vital labor.  Just as vital is our Maintenance Fund that allows us to pay for equipment, parts, and materials needed.  For example, this summer we tapped the emergency fund (given by friends like you last year) to:


  •   Replace golf cart batteries with new lithium batteries – cost $2,600.
  •   Replace the pool slide pump – cost $6,000.
  •   Replace pool lights – cost $3,000
  •   Replace a condenser for a kitchen freezer – cost $3,000.


Will you help replenish the Maintenance Fund this year so we can keep camp running like a “well-oiled machine” into the future? 


From the extra cost of repairs this summer, we believe $28,000 will replenish what we had to pull from the emergency fund. This amount includes $12,000 to also purchase a new 72” mower to replace the one that has served well – but is quite tired and challenging to keep on the move.


Your gift to the Maintenance Fund means the camp will always be ready to serve campers.  And when campers are served well, they experience the life-changing power of faith and fellowship.


Thanks for prayerfully considering how you can help and THANK YOU in advance for doing what you can!


Because camp is for campers,


Tyler Mulvany

Executive Director



P.S. Ministry wasn’t even on Noah’s radar when he was invited to a week of camp, but one year later he’s dedicated his life to full-time Christian service and is headed off to Bible college this fall!  As a friend of Oil Belt, you’ve had a hand in it!  THANK YOU!


I want to help keep the "serve" in Christian Service Camp and help replenish the Maintenance Fund!